Air Fryer Boiled Eggs

Air Fryer Boiled Eggs

The easiest way to batch cook eggs, with no need to boil any water! (These timings were tested using medium eggs from our friends at Respectful.)


  • Eggs


  1. Place the eggs inside the air fryer  basket, leaving a few centimetres between them to allow the air to circulate.
  2. Serve your eggs as desired. Select Air Fry and set the temperature to 132C as per the timings below.
  3. When the cooking program has finished, remove the eggs from the basket with tongs, and plunge into ice water for 2 minutes to stop them cooking.
  4. Serve your eggs as desired. Chefs tip: If you are peeling the eggs I find lightly cracking the shell with the back of a teaspoon before placing the eggs into the ice water bath makes them easier to peel.

Air Fryer timings for medium eggs:

  • 8 mins- Gently set white, and fully liquid yolk – The dippy soldiers egg.
  • 9 mins- Set white, and soft set, jammy yolks – Perfect for salads!
  • 10 mins- Set white, near completely set yolk – Great for meal prep, salads and egg mayonnaise sandwiches.
  • 11 mins- Set white, crumbly yolk – Ideal for Devilled eggs.
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